Thursday, April 16, 2020

Yet Another Blog

To say I have become a bit addicted to blogging about  my dolls is a bit of an understatement I guess.  It started last year with "In the Glade" a fantasy story I had floating around in my head with my Iple FID and Raccoon Dolls in the leading roles. I then decided to do blogs for my Outlander based dolls, (Outlander Doll World) as well as my tinies (Adventures of the Wee Resins). I enjoyed the format so much, the most recent blog additions have been one devoted to my dolls based on the characters of JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series (The Brotherhood), and The HG (one for my big dolls that are time travelors, another original story floating around in my head). All aforementioned blogs are linked in the sidebar, along with my Flickr albums and other doll related links that I use a lot.
Recently I've been inspired to dress up some of my "Glade" crew in contemporary clothing for something different and got the idea to do a blog for all of my Iple FID and Raccoon Dolls in their "every day lives".  I think of them as actors starring in the roles I have assigned. I do have dolls in this size I haven't already incorporated In the Glade, so it will be a chance to showcase all dolls I have in this size, and use my contemporary clothing and props as well.
Damien and Lara are the subjects of this first post as they were the dolls I was playing with this morning when I decided to start yet another blog. Both of these dolls relocated from a friend. I have to admit, I bought him mainly to steal his body for another head, but I like him much better than I originally thought I would so find myself coming up with ways to use him.
Lara arrived as a wonderful surprise gift just recently. I find myself really liking her paired with Damien.
Stay tuned for more to come. I'm working on putting up the doll bios on the right side of the page, where you can find all particulars on the dolls I have in this size. It will be a bit of a process as I have quite accumulated quite a few dolls in this size. I do enjoy them for the ease in portability, and the fact it seems to be a bit easier to find props in a size that works for them.

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