I haven't been in the mood to play with my dolls much at all lately, but today I got the urge to get Lucy out and put her in some fall knits to get some photos. Lucy was the first doll I purchased in this size, and I still love her face.
A Resin Doll's Life
Raccoon Dolls, Iple FID and SartoriaJ mini's in their "everyday" lives. I like to think of my dolls in this size as dolls in the stories I tell in my head, who can fit into any role available to them. Most of my dolls this size are typically used in my "In the Glade" world (linked in sidebar). This blog gives me a chance to do something different with them, and dress them in contemporary clothing. I do have some "superernatural" characters here that are more prominent here than in the Glade
Friday, October 11, 2024
Feeling Like Fall
Sunday, May 12, 2024
Cali Redress
Some new pics of Cali, just because she finally got out of winter clothes and dressed for spring.
Sunday, January 7, 2024
Winter Knits
Long time, no post. I hope to remedy that in 2024, and become more active on my blogs again. Today was a first step. I took some time to play a bit with a couple of my Iple FID's today, for the first time in quite a while. We were talking about knits for dolls on Resin Antics, one of the Doll Forums I hang out on, and it spurred me to get out this knit set I purchased a long time ago for my CED dolls actually, out and try it on my FID's. Maeve (my FID Mari) was happy to model. She is wearing a custom wig I had ordered for her from Chewin that I hadn't gotten around to photographing yet.
Friday, April 21, 2023
By the Light of the Moon
Kieran (my SJ Jarrad) got a new wig in from Chewin, so some new photos were in order. I wish I could get Chewin's wigs for all my guys! They are wonderful works of art.
Monday, March 27, 2023
Declan was one of my first FID sized dolls to make his way here ,and he's still a favorite. Have to admit, I really love the Leonard sculpt.
Sunday, March 26, 2023
More of Ygritte
I took some new photos of Ygritte (SJ 45Aphrodite Yvonne) this morning. So glad I caved at the last minute and added this one before she was gone. Yvonne is my favorite SJ female sculpt I think. I have her head in the larger size too and love her.
Sunday, March 5, 2023
First Signs of Spring
Took Joshua outside for some new pics as I haven't done much with my resin crew recently. Some spring green peeking through the bushes. I'm so ready for spring.
Feeling Like Fall
I haven't been in the mood to play with my dolls much at all lately, but today I got the urge to get Lucy out and put her in some fall ...

We woke up to a light snow on the ground this morning, and its been flurrying off an on all morning. Not much of an accumulation, but I was...
I've been reading Lauren Gilley's Sons of Rome series of books lately and they have inspired me to play around with a few of my guy...
I always loved Tonner's motto, believe in the power of play. I've embraced that philosophy over the course of my doll collecting h...