Friday, May 20, 2022

Lobo Just Because

 Some new Lobo shots, just because I felt like photographing him today. Each time I get him down to change his clothes and appreciate him I wonder why in the world SartoriJ decided to discontinue such a stunning male resin specimen. One of my favorite male resin sculpts, hands down. Sometimes I wish I would have gotten a peach cream version of  him too, but it wasn't in the cards, I wanted both Naomi and Yvonne in the 45cm size, and I didn't have either of those sculpts yet, so they won out over another Jude in peach cream in the end.

Philip and Dan both remind me a lot of Jude, so maybe I'll have to add one of those sculpts the next time they are available. 

And Jay told me they are still planning on releasing the elf version of Jude at least one more time, so I'll prepare myself to add him when he becomes available.
In the meantime, I'll just enjoy Lobo and his fog  gray brothers.

Feeling Like Fall

 I haven't been in the mood to play with my dolls much at all lately, but today I got the urge to get Lucy out and put her in some fall ...